Cluster Soft matter and flexible structures All faculties STI SV All institutes IBI IEM IGM IMX Acronym Title Tags ALCHEMY Laboratory for the Chemistry of Materials and Manufacturing STI IEM ECPS Emergent Complexity in Physical Systems STI IGM EMSI Engineering Mechanics of Soft Interfaces STI IGM FLEXLAB Flexible Structures Laboratory STI IGM INSTANT-LAB Micromechanical and Horological Design Laboratory STI IGM LBEN Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology STI SV IBI LBNI Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation STI SV IBI LBO Laboratory of Biomechanical Orthopedics STI IBI LFMI Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Instabilities STI IGM LIS Laboratory of Intelligent Systems STI IGM LMIS1 Microsystems Laboratory 1 STI IEM LO Optics Laboratory STI IEM LPAC Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites STI IMX LSBI Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces STI IEM MICROBS Microbiorobotic Systems Laboratory STI IGM PBL Programmable Biomaterials Laboratory STI IMX SMAL Soft Materials Laboratory STI IMX SUNMIL Supramolecular Nanomaterials and Interfaces Laboratory - Constellium Chair STI IMX