Cluster Micro and nanosystems All faculties SB STI SV All institutes IBI IEM IGM IMX IPHYS Acronym Title Tags ALCHEMY Laboratory for the Chemistry of Materials and Manufacturing STI IEM BIOS Bionanophotonic Systems Laboratory STI SV IBI BNMS Biomedical and neuromorphic microelectronic systems group STI IEM CLSE Laboratory of Life Sciences Electronics STI SV IBI GALATEA Galatea Laboratory STI IEM INL Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory STI IEM INSTANT-LAB Micromechanical and Horological Design Laboratory STI IGM LAFT Laboratory for Advanced Fabrication Technologies STI IEM LANES Nanoscale Electronics and Structures STI IEM LAPD Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices STI IEM LBMM Laboratory for Biomedical Microfluidics STI IBI LBNC Laboratory of Biological Network Characterization STI IBI LBNI Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation STI SV IBI LEAP Laboratory for Advanced Electromagnetics and Photonics STI IEM LMAM Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement STI IBI LMGN Laboratory of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Magnonics STI IMX LMIS1 Microsystems Laboratory 1 STI IEM LMSC Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials STI SB IMX IPHYS LMTS Soft Transducers Laboratory STI IGM LNET Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies STI IGM LPMAT Photonic Materials and Characterization STI IEM MICROBS Microbiorobotic Systems Laboratory STI IGM NANOLAB Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory STI IEM NEMS Advanced Nano-electromechanical Systems Laboratory STI IGM POWERLAB Power and Wide-band-gap Electronics Research STI IEM SCI-STI-SM SCI STI SM Group - Tribology and Interfacial Chemistry Group STI IMX