Building the future together

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The mission of the EPFL Energy Center (CEN) is to promote energy research led by EPFL, by challenging state-of-the-art technologies and addressing society’s challenges together to shape tomorrow’s energy system.

Laboratories and startups

Energy Center interacts closely with EPFL’s laboratories and startups to address current and future challenges of the energy sector. It serves as an entry point for individuals and companies searching for world-class education and competence in energy research and technology.


CEN is EPFL’s interface between its energy research laboratories and the public, companies and investors. Its role is to inform about the latest developements in energy research at EPFL, establish the link with competent laboratories and support the development of collaboration projects.

Cen Education


EPFL Energy Center contributes to the development of a coherent education program in energy at EPFL, including the traditional bachelor, master and PhD education programs. It also designs and organizes tailored education programs such as summer schools, MOOCs and executive lectures in energy.

Energy Sectors

Anna Fontcuberta i Moral, Martin Vetterli, René Bautz et Gilles Verdan - 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Gaznat and EPFL sign new agreement for cutting carbon emissions

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  • EPFL
Read moresur Tech Transfer.

Gaznat and EPFL have just taken their long-standing partnership one step further. The energy company has already sponsored three EPFL research chairs and teamed up with the School on a strategic joint venture to establish a center of excellence in the capture, storage and use of CO2 for the production of synthesis gas. Yesterday the two organizations signed a new framework agreement that will involve issuing additional calls for proposals.