Les technologies de conversion permettent la transformation des formes dâĂ©nergie et ainsi la rĂ©cupĂ©ration de toutes les sources dâĂ©nergie, quâil sâagisse du rayonnement Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique du Soleil, de la chaleur interne de la Terre, de la fusion thermonuclĂ©aire ou des barrages. LâEPFL figure parmi les principales institutions de recherche Ă©nergĂ©tique dans le monde en abordant des sujets trĂšs compĂ©titifs tels que les cellules solaires Ă pĂ©rovskite, la thermo / Ă©lectro / photochimie, lâĂ©nergie hydroĂ©lectrique, la bioĂ©nergie ou la gĂ©othermie.

Les laboratoires du Centre de lâĂnergie en matiĂšre de conversion Ă©nergĂ©tique.
- Automatic Control Laboratory
- Bioenergy and Energy Planning Research Group
- Computational Molecular Design Laboratory
- Ecological Engineering Laboratory
- Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory
- EPFL-PSI Joint Professorship on Solid Waste Treatment
- Geo-Energy Laboratory
- Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials
- Group of Catalysis for Biofuels
- Group of Coordination Chemistry
- Group of Energy Materials
- Hydraulic Constructions Platform
- Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnology
- Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials
- Laboratory for In-Situ Nanomaterials Characterization with Electrons
- Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials
- Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour
- Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics
- Laboratory of Advanced Separations
- Laboratory of Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Laboratory of Computational Science and Modeling
- Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences
- Laboratory of Ecohydrology
- Laboratory of Experimental Rock Mechanics
- Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Instabilities
- Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis
- Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Materials
- Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology
- Laboratory of Nanochemistry
- Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies
- Laboratory of Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry
- Laboratory of Photomolecular Science
- Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces
- Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering
- Laboratory of Semiconducting Materials
- Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processing
- Optics Laboratory
- Photochemical Dynamics Group
- Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory
- Power and Wideband-gap Electronics Research Laboratory
- Power Electronics Laboratory
- Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory
- Stream Biofilm and Ecosystem Research Laboratory
- Swiss Plasma Center
- Technology Platform of Hydraulic Machines
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Unsteady Flow Diagnostics Laboratory
- Wind Energy and Renewable Energy Laboratory