Conversion technologies allow the transformation of energy forms and therefore the recovery of all energy sources, which include: electromagnetic radiation from the sun, internal heat of the earth, thermonuclear fusion or dams. EPFL is one of the main energy research institutions in the world, tackling significant subjects such as perovskite solar cells, thermo / electro / photochemistry, hydroelectric energy, bioenergy or geothermal energy.
Energy Center laboratories regarding energy conversion
- Automatic Control Laboratory
- Bioenergy and Energy Planning Research Group
- Computational Molecular Design Laboratory
- Ecological Engineering Laboratory
- Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory
- EPFL-PSI Joint Professorship on Solid Waste Treatment
- Geo-Energy Laboratory
- Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials
- Group of Catalysis for Biofuels
- Group of Coordination Chemistry
- Group of Energy Materials
- Hydraulic Constructions Platform
- Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnology
- Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials
- Laboratory for In-Situ Nanomaterials Characterization with Electrons
- Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials
- Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour
- Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics
- Laboratory of Advanced Separations
- Laboratory of Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Laboratory of Computational Science and Modeling
- Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences
- Laboratory of Ecohydrology
- Laboratory of Experimental Rock Mechanics
- Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Instabilities
- Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis
- Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Materials
- Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology
- Laboratory of Nanochemistry
- Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies
- Laboratory of Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry
- Laboratory of Photomolecular Science
- Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces
- Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering
- Laboratory of Semiconducting Materials
- Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processing
- Optics Laboratory
- Photochemical Dynamics Group
- Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory
- Power and Wideband-gap Electronics Research Laboratory
- Power Electronics Laboratory
- Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory
- Stream Biofilm and Ecosystem Research Laboratory
- Swiss Plasma Center
- Technology Platform of Hydraulic Machines
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Unsteady Flow Diagnostics Laboratory
- Wind Energy and Renewable Energy Laboratory