According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), efficiency policies could enable the world to achieve more than 40% of the emissions cuts needed to reach its climate goals without new technology. At EPFL, energy efficiency research covers a vast number of aspects such as power-to-gaz and cogeneration, building design, industrial separation processes, small scale turbomachinery, or high power electronics.

Energy Center laboratories regarding energy efficiency
- Applied Superconductivity Group
- Computational Molecular Design Laboratory
- EPFL-PSI Joint Professorship on Solid Waste Treatment
- Group of Thermal Turbomachinery
- Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering
- Integrated Actuators Laboratory
- Laboratory for Applied Mechanical Design
- Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites
- Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies
- Laboratory of Computational Science and Modeling
- Laboratory of Digital Culture for Architectural Projects
- Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design
- Power and Wideband-gap Electronics Research Laboratory
- Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory
- The Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab
- Thermal Engineering for the Built Environment Laboratory
- Transport and Mobility Laboratory
- Urban Transport Systems Laboratory