Swiss Remote Sensing Days 2022

>>> The full program is now online!! (see below) <<<
The Swiss Remote Sensing Days (SRSD) is a gathering for the Swiss remote sensing community including young and established researchers, active in the understanding of our environment and society through images acquired by a variety of sensors, from satellites in space all the way to drones and cameras in mobile phones.
During this three days event, young researchers (typically PhD candidates) will interact with senior researchers and present their latest results, as well as participate to community building and career advise activities, which will prepare them for active life in the area of remote sensing.
Abstract submission is closed.
Date & location: May 1-4, 2022, at the Monte Verità Congress Center in Ascona (Ticino).
Registration fee: Registration costs are kept to a nominal small fee (50 CHF). Please note that this 50CHF registration fee is not refundable.
Accommodation and travel: Attendees have to cover their own travel and hotel expenses. Discount rates for the Monte Verità rooms will be communicated to registered attendees. For room cancellation, please contact CSF or your hotel.
New: Full Program
Key Topics / Focuses
Considering the breadth of expertise by the Swiss remote sensing community, topics will be centered around all aspects of remote sensing, including:
- Physics:
- Radiative transfer modelling
- Sensor development:
- Passive systems (multi and hyperspectral cameras, thermal and microwave radiometers), active systems (SAR, LiDAR); drones, airborne sensors, satellite mission development.
- Data processing:
- Image correction (geometric, atmospheric, sensor non-uniformities), photogrammetry, sensor fusion, machine learning and deep learning, physical based information retrieval, hybrid approaches.
- Process modelling:
- Mechanistic modelling and data assimilation for various purposes (e.g. glacier retreat, urban sprawl, land-atmosphere exchange processes, vegetation-climate feedbacks).
- Application development:
- All aspects across Earth spheres, e.g. alpine studies, forestry, climate change, glaciology, urban studies, science-policy interface.
Abstract Submission (Closed)
SRSD is an event for the Swiss community to share their science and results, but without the extra peer review burden of a traditional conference.
Therefore, we solicit abstract contributions corresponding to papers presented in 2021 at major remote sensing conferences or published in top tier remote sensing journals. Examples are IGARSS2021, the ISPRS congress, AGU/EGU, Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE TGRS, etc.
At submission stage, it will be requested to upload a short abstract (1 paragraph), and to provide full bibliographic information, as we all a link to an open access version of the paper. If the paper is behind a paywall, please upload a preprint on and provide a link to that.
Invited Speakers
Three top international speakers will complete the program, providing their groundbreaking insights on the advances in the field and advises on individuals careers.
- Prof. Martin Herold, Wageningen University (NL)
- Dr. Susanne Mecklenburg, Head of Climate office, European Space Agency (ESA)
- Dr. Bertrand Le Saux, Φ-lab, European Space Agency (ESA)