Lausanne EPFL ELLIS unit

ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. Founded in 2018, ELLIS builds upon machine learning as the driver for modern AI and aims to secure Europe’s sovereignty in this competitive field by creating a multi-centric AI research laboratory. ELLIS wants to ensure that the highest level of AI research is performed in the open societies of Europe and follows a three-pillar strategy to achieve that. EPFL hosts one of the first such ELLIS units in synergy with the EPFL AI Center.

The mission of ELLIS is to benefit Europe in two ways:

  1. ELLIS wants the best basic research to be performed in Europe, to enable Europe to shape how machine learning and modern AI change the world.
  2. ELLIS wants to have economic impact and create jobs in Europe, and believe this is achieved by outstanding and free basic research, independent of industry interests.

About the ELLIS Lausanne Unit

The ELLIS Unit Lausanne brings together researchers working on various aspects of artificial intelligence (AI). Its interdisciplinary research approach and broad applications cross the boundaries of schools at EPFL and create opportunities for direct interactions with the Swiss industry and society. Furthermore, the Lausanne unit contributes to ELLIS’s overarching mission to develop education and ensure the highest level of AI research through e.g., summer schools and PhD student co-supervision and exchanges.

Hosted within the EPFL AI Center, the Lausanne unit reaches out to diverse application domains such as machine learning, robotics, health, biomedicine and many more. At the core of the EPFL AI Center lies a vision for a future where AI works for everyone, driven by cutting-edge research, education and collaboration. The center aims to lead the way towards trustworthy, accessible, and inclusive AI, underpinned by Research, Education and Innovation. The unit is aligned with the strategic domains of EPFL, and the Swiss Confederation. Alongside ELLIS, EPFL is a founding member of the International Computation and AI Network (ICAIN), an initiative addressing global inequality in AI.