Support for the creation of the Virtual University of Ivory Coast (UVCI)

The expected result is the transfer of techno-pedagogical skills necessary for the production and dissemination of quality MOOCs on the UVCI’s digital training platform.
Creation of MOOCs production studios and an upgrade
In the first part, we provided pedagogical and technical expertise for the creation and operation of two video recording and editing studios in :
- Jean Lorougnon Guédé University in Daloa
- Alassane Ouattara University in Bouaké,
- the upgrading of a third studio at the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Abidjan. This required the training of a set of 6 technicians (2 per university), the definition of specifications for the construction and equipment of the MOOC studios, as well as the supervision of the works.
The second part focused on the training, support and supervision of teachers. In fact, our centre trained 12 teachers from the Jean Lorougnon Guédé University in Daloa and the Institut National Polytechnique Houphouët-Boigny in Yamoussoukro on the production of MOOC.
Training, support and coaching
Indeed, we trained and accompanied five Ivorian teams so that they could design, produce and deposit their MOOC on the MOOC platform of the Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire(UVCI).
Between December 2018 and November 2020, we remotely monitored the progress of the preparatory work for the realisation of the five MOOCs, accompanied the teachers during the pedagogical design and the preparation of the educational content. Finally, we also supervised the final production of these five MOOCs and their deposit on the MOOC platform of the Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire.
for more information, please contact us by email