100 PhDs for Africa programme


The joint EPFL-UM6P initiative “Excellence in Africa” has now released the names of the 20 students selected after the 2nd call for proposals of the 100 PhDs for Africa programme.

These 20 talented students will benefit from a financial support, from the co-supervision of an EPFL professor, and from summer/winter schools organized at UM6P. The final objective of the programme is to create the proper conditions for them to produce outstanding PhD research.

1st call

Fokam Fokam, Maurane Gaelle

PhD Student: Fokam Fokam, Maurane Gaelle                    
Institution: Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé     
Supervisor: Prof. Fokam Kenmeugne, Bienvenu
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Véronique Michaud (en collaboration avec le Prof. J-P Ansermet)
PhD title:  Development and characterization of a composite material composed of banana leaf fibers and a bio-sourced resin.
Research domain: Material sciences

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Heikal, Shimaa

PhD Student: Heikal, Shimaa
Institution: The American University in Cairo

Supervisor: Prof. Mohamed Salama
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Hilal Lashuel
PhD title: Piloting a research registry for dementia: The Egyptian Dementia Network (EDN) registry. 
Research domain: Neurosciences

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Tra, Lou Tinan

PhD Student: Tra, Lou Tinan
Institution: Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire CSRS)         
Supervisor: Prof. Dongo Kouassi 
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Dr Jérôme Chenal      
PhD titleOptimisation of the management of sludge from septic tanks in Non-Collective Sanitation in low-income sanitation in low-income African areas: the case of Abidjan in Ivory Coast
Research domain: Urban systems

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Andanje, Maurine

PhD Student : Andanje, Maurine
Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
Supervisor: Prof. Mwangi James Wamai
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Sandro Carrara
PhD title: Bioplastic Development, Characterization and Optimization of
3D Printing Process Parameters.
Research domain: Material sciences

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Machtalay, Amal

PhD Student: Machtalay, Amal                  
Institution: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Supervisor: Prof. RATNANI, Ahmed
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Daniel Kressner 
PhD title: From mean-field games to agent-based models (and back) through Markov Chain aggregation.
Research domain: Mathematics

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Jjagwe, Joseph

PhD Student : Jjagwe, Joseph
Institution: Makerere University, Uganda
Supervisor: Prof. Olupot, Peter Wilberforce
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Sandro Carrara
PhD title: Iron oxide based Nanocomposite bio-adsorbents for water treatment

Research domain: Water treatment

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Bisschoff, Brandon

PhD Student: Bisschoff, Brandon
Institution: University of KwaZulu-Natal
Supervisor: Prof. Ma, Yin-Zhe
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib
PhD title: Constraining the intergalactic magnetic field with Magnetohydrodynamic simulations.  
Research domain: Astrophysics

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Delhali, Achraf 

PhD Student: Delhali, Achraf                
Institution : Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Supervisor: Prof. Belmabkhout, Youssef
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Agrawal, Kumar Varoon
PhD title: Evaporative cooling aided by dehumidification combined  with water harvesting.
Research domain : chemical engineering

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

Mwendwa, Geoffrey

PhD Student: Mwendwa, Geoffrey
Institution: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Supervisor: Prof. Wamwangi, Daniel
Co-supervisor (at EPFL): Prof. Dil Hugo
PhD title: Correlation of Ferroic Orders in Multiferroic Rare-earth composite Thin Films.
Research domain: Physics   

sheet (PDF – 300 ko)

country allocation

Maurane Gaelle Fokam FokamEcole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé
Development and characterization of a composite material composed of banana leaf fibers and a bio-sourced resin
Lou Tinan Ange-Laetitia TraCentre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS)Development and characterization of a composite material composed of banana leaf fibers and a bio-sourced resinlink
Shimaa HeikalThe American University in Cairo
Piloting a research registry for dementia: The Egyptian Dementia Network (EDN) registry
Andanje MaurineJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and TechnologyBioplastic Development, Characterization and Optimization of 3D Printing Process Parameters.link
Achraf DelhaliUniversité Mohammed VI Polytechnique
Evaporative cooling aided by dehumidification combined with water harvesting. Quest for advanced adsorbents and systems.
Amal MachtalayUniversité Mohammed VI Polytechnique
Analyze the behavior of plants in smart Agriculture using deep Learning and IOT
Joseph JjagweMakerere University
Iron oxide based Nanocomposite bio-adsorbents for water treatment
Brandon BisschoffUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal
Constraining the intergalactic magnetic field with magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
Geoffrey MwendwaUniversity of the Witwatersrand
Correlation of Ferroic Orders in Multiferroic Rare-earth Composite Thin Films

Next call for contributions

We emphasise that the calls for applications are closed at the moment. 

For all the details on the application procedure, you can read the application guidelines of the previous call of spring 2023. Please note that these application guidelines may change for the next selection round. 

Follow us on LinkedIn to be informed of the next call for projects.