© Anna Karla Almeida, 2020
Braillard Foundation
HRC collaborates since the beginning of its foundation (2017) with the Braillard Fondation in Geneva. To date, the most important collaborations have been: The Bernardo Secchi Days initiative and the Consultation Greater Geneva.
Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva
The collaboration with the Institute of Global Health, which is part of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva, is one of the highlights of this initial period of the Habitat Research Center. The collaboration is concentrated on the Division of environmental health, led by Jean Simos, PhD, and Nicola Cantoreggi, PhD. Both are highly skilled at urban health, especially the interconnections between environmental health and health promotion at the urban level. The Institute of Global Health is a strategic partner and there are plans for the collaboration to be pursued and reinforced in the coming years. Apart from research, there is a strong potential for a collaboration to be set up for teaching. Indeed, Dr Simos and Dr Cantoreggi are already involved in extensive teaching activities at the University of Geneva, across two faculties, for the Master’s degree in public health and the Master’s degree in environmental science (MUSE).
City of Lausanne
The collaboration with the City of Lausanne has been launched in occasion of the Borde-Bellevaux Workshop for which the City mandated the Habitat Research Center to conduct a site analysis in the form of a Workshop in order to define a strategy to improve public space and mobility in a specific area. The collaboration has been pursued in occasion of other initiatives as the New Climates in… initiative.
Department of Architecture (D-ARCH), ETH Zurich
A strong collaboration with the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) at ETH Zurich has been launched in 2019 in occasion of the conceptualisation and organisation of the Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design.
In addition, HRC has developed fruitful collaborative relationships with:
LCAU (Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism, MIT), the Ecole Urbaine of Lyon, the AMS (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitam Solutions), the Metrolab in Brussels, the Future Cities Lab at the ETHZ, ITN network (Universiteit Antwerpen, École des Ponts Paris Tech, Institut Francais des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Reseaux, Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sveriges Lantbruks-Universitet, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antwerp Management School, Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme, AREP, European Passengers’ Federation, BMW Group/Institute for Mobility Research, Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme Ile-de-France, IQ, Samhällsbyggnad, Provincie Noord-Holland, Studio Paola Viganò, UUM | Unlimited Urban Management, Vlaamse Vereniging Voor Ruimte en Planning, WSP SVERIGE AB, Société du Grand Paris).