LéXPLORE: Experimental floating platform on Lake Leman
“Léman exploration (LéXPLORE)” is a unique partnership between EPFL, Eawag, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, and CARRTEL in Thonon-les-Bains. This innovative platform is equipped with cutting-edge scientific instrumentation for simultaneous biological, chemical and physical analyses at high resolution.
Importance and advantages:
- Acquire data at high spatial and temporal frequency, in order to measure key processes at the right resolution
- Improve models to better predict the lake evolution and adaptation to climate changes
- Promote a dynamic and cutting-edged research on Lake Leman, by reinforcing regional collaborations and attracting international researchers.
- Develop innovative technological applications to resolve pertinent problems to society
- Provide an easy access to data in near-real time
- Raise environmental awareness during public visits
Researchers greatly benefit from this novel infrastructure!
LéXPLORE already hosts 55 scientific projects. The goals of these projects are to:
- Measure and model key physical and biogeochemical processes at high frequency (such as Carbon cycling, Primary Production, Thermal syphons, calcite precipitation)
- Understand the ecosystem functioning ranging from bacteria, new invasive mussels, phytoplankton and fish populations
- Evaluate the pollution (microplastics, organic pollutant) and their impacts
- Develop and test new technology (optofluidic sensor, biosensor, submersible modem, degradability of biopolyester, GenoRobotics )
- Manage and share data with the online portal from DATALAKES
All these projects running in parallel will offer unique opportunities for interdisciplinary outcomes.