Platform LéXPLORE

LéXPLORE: Experimental floating platform on Lake Leman

“Léman exploration (LéXPLORE)” is a unique partnership between EPFL, Eawag, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, and CARRTEL in Thonon-les-Bains. This innovative platform is equipped with cutting-edge scientific instrumentation for simultaneous biological, chemical and physical analyses at high resolution.

Importance and advantages:

  • Acquire data at high spatial and temporal frequency, in order to measure key processes at the right resolution
  • Improve models to better predict the lake evolution and adaptation to climate changes
  • Promote a dynamic and cutting-edged research on Lake Leman, by reinforcing regional collaborations and attracting international researchers.
  • Develop innovative technological applications to resolve pertinent problems to society
  • Provide an easy access to data in near-real time
  • Raise environmental awareness during public visits

Researchers greatly benefit from this novel infrastructure!

LéXPLORE already hosts 55 scientific projects. The goals of these projects are to:

All these projects running in parallel will offer unique opportunities for interdisciplinary outcomes.

Scientific Report

Discover our scientific reports 2021, 2022 and 2023.


See website

The Limnology Center managed LéXPLORE construction and exploitation in collaboration with the partners. Check the common dedicated website.