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Collecting water samples for gas and plankton analyses2/14
Preparing sediment samples to analyze microbial communities3/14
Ice camp in 20154/14
Our favourite mode of transport 5/14
Setting a mooring for CO2 monitoring6/14
Retrieving sediment cores7/14
Preparing holes to collect sediment cores8/14
Filtering water for microbial analyses9/14
Launching a drone to collect hyperspectral images of the ice10/14
ECOLOG boat for expeditions in June11/14
Preparing water samples for CO2 analysis along a transect12/14
Getting prepared for the next sampling site13/14
Collecting water14/14
Ice camp in 2017Collecting water samples for gas and plankton analysesPreparing sediment samples to analyze microbial communitiesIce camp in 2015Our favourite mode of transport Setting a mooring for CO2 monitoringRetrieving sediment coresPreparing holes to collect sediment coresFiltering water for microbial analysesLaunching a drone to collect hyperspectral images of the iceECOLOG boat for expeditions in JunePreparing water samples for CO2 analysis along a transectGetting prepared for the next sampling siteCollecting water
The objective of this project was to investigate under-ice processes in Lake Onego during the ice-covered period:
Under-ice convection and modelling
Automated underwater vehicles to determine the horizontal structure of convection cells
Effect of convective mixing on phytoplankton
Efficiency of the trophic level: phyto/zooplankton and microorganisms under the ice
Accumulation and release of greenhouse gases
History of land-use changes in the catchment area by studying sediment
Characterization of the ice cover using remote sensing from satellites and drones
Scientific exchanges and joint publications with our Russian partners
The Limnology Center organized seven field expeditions in close collaboration with the Northern Water Problems Institute. Check our blog for our experiences in March and June 2016.