Micromanufacturing Science & Engineering Center (M2C)

A dynamic alliance between the Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM) of EPFL and CSEM, the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology in Neuchâtel. The M2C connects diverse stakeholders to accelerate the innovation of manufacturing processes, including new materials and production tools.
M2C efforts are focused specifically on the latest advances in additive manufacturing and free-form technologies. We specialize in the micro-fabrication of smart components and systems and in the processing of high-precision free-form materials, including the creation of nano and microstructures.
MC2 fosters collaborative exchanges among academic, institutional and industrial participants by:
– offering multidisciplinary technology platforms and meeting locations to foster interactions,
– identifying and coordinating research in such fields as miniaturization; portability; integrated functionality; low energy consumption; durability; and material optimization,
– forwarding additive/advanced manufacturing technologies in ways that are economically viable and environmentally sustainable compared to traditional methods,
– ensuring that technological gains are efficiently transferred to the manufacturing companies for actual impact in the economy,
– developing training procedures and programs in connection with the doctoral school of advanced manufacturing (EDAM) to further continuing education.