Research laboratories

© Alain Herzog EPFL

© Alain Herzog EPFL

Please find below the list of professors and labs that are part of M2C.

Christophe BallifChristophe BallifPV-labPV-lab
Yves BellouardYves BellouardGalateaGalatea Lab
Jurgen BruggerJürgen BruggerLMIS1Microsystems Laboratory
Sandro CarraraSandro CarraraBio/CMOSBio/CMOS Interfaces Lab
Roland LogéRoland LogéLMTMPX-Group chair – Thermomechanical Metallurgy Laboratory
Christophe MoserChristophe MoserLAPDLaboratory of Applied Photonics Devices
Yves PerriardYves PerriardLAIIntegrated Actuators Laboratory
Herbert SheaHerbert SheaLMTSSoft Transducers Lab
Vivek SubramanianVivek SubramanianLAFTLaboratory for Advanced Fabrication Technologies
Daryl YeeALCHEMYLaboratory for the Chemistry of Materials and Manufacturing