Other instruments


We have two FT-IR available in the MHMC. we have a Nicolet 6700 from ThermoFisher Scientific and a Spectrum 3 from PerkinElmer. There are located in MXD 137.

If you want to use them, please go on PPMS for requesting a training.


Specifications of the instrument:


  • Transmission Mode (KBr pellets)
  • ATR – Golden Gate
  • Vari GT (Grazing angle)



The water contact angle is a Easy Drop from Krüss. It is located in MXC 906.

If you want to use it, please go on PPMS for requesting a training.



There are two fluorometers in the MHMC. The Cary Eclipse from Agilent that is located in MXD 137 and the Fluoromax-3 from Horiba that is located in MXC 906.

Both solid and liquid samples can be measured.

If you want to use them, please go on PPMS for requesting a training.



There are two spectrophotometers in the MHMC. The Lambda 365 that is located in MXD 137. And the Cary 50 Bio, located in MXC 906.

If you want to use them, please go on PPMS for requesting a training.