Welcome to the forefront of neuroscientific exploration at EPFL, where education, research, and innovation converge to unravel the mysteries of the brain. Our interdisciplinary approach spans theory, molecules, cells, circuits, and behavior, leveraging cutting-edge technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning and  to comprehend brain systems at various scales. Embracing a polytechnic approach, we pioneer inventive methods to decode the healthy and impaired nervous system and are committed to translating these breakthroughs into tangible benefits for patients.

Join us in shaping the future of fundamental and translational neurosciences, neurotechnology and neurocomputation through transformative learning, groundbreaking research, and revolutionary technological advancements.

This site allows you to apprehend the way teaching, research, and innovation fit together, as well as to see the range of interactions we have with partners throughout the lemanic area.



EPFL is fully committed to the respect of ethical standards in research in order to protect those involved in research. Research involving animals, is carried out at the Center of Phenogenomics, or ethically reviewed by the Animal Research Ethics Committe (AREC) if carried out abroad. The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) ethically reviews research projects carried out by EPFL researchers and involving human participants and/or personal data.

Researchers at the BMI develop and deploy technology to understand brain systems across scales from theory, to molecules, cells, circuits and behavior.

The alliance of neurosciences, neurotechnology and neurocomputation, for medicine.



EPFL Neuro Memento

Vision & Cognition Seminar // Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel: Effects of (un-)grouping in auditory intensity discrimination


With: Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Place and room: SV 3715
Category: Conferences – Seminars

BMI Seminar // Paul Sauseng "Electrophysiological correlates of cognitive control in the human brain”


With: Prof. Paul Sauseng, University of Zurich
Place and room: AI 1153
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Vision & Cognition Seminar // Paul Sauseng: Electrophysiological correlates of cognitive control in the human brain


With: Paul Sauseng, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Place and room: SV 2615
Category: Conferences – Seminars

4th Internal EPFL Symposium on Modeling Sensorimotor Function


With: TBD
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Neuro-X seminar: Prof Anne Andrews – Personalized medicine and predictive health and wellness: Adding the chemical component


With: Prof Anne Andrews
Place and room: H8-1-D
Online: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/63370269699?pwd=b3dZYzJwNUJnS1REMUQrLzZZU08vQT09
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Jaksic & Herzog Labs


With: Samuel Bourgeat & Elsa Scialom
Place and room: SV 1717
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Markram & A. Mathis Labs


With: Stijn van Dorp & Adriana Perez Rotondo
Place and room: SV 1717
Category: Conferences – Seminars

BMI Distinguished Seminar // Priya Rajasethupathy: Memory across time scales


With: Priya Rajasethupathy, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
Place and room: SV 1717
Online: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/64813563657
Category: Conferences – Seminars

BMI Seminar // Philippe Tobler "Decomposing motivation into value and salience"


With: Philippe Tobler, University of Zurich  
Place and room: SV 1717
Online: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/64813563657
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Sandi & Zenk Labs


With: Silvie Ruigrok & TBD
Place and room: SV 1717
Category: Conferences – Seminars

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Important Neuro Conferences