Building a blueprint of metabolic health – from mouse to human


The findings from EPFL scientists highlight potential pathways that could be targeted for therapeutic interventions, and underscore the importance of genetics in metabolic health. By translating these findings from mice to humans, the study paves the way for personalized approaches to managing and preventing metabolic syndrome.

RoboFood perspecive published in Nature Review Materials


Robots and food have long been distant worlds: Robots are inorganic, bulky, and non-disposable; food is organic, soft, and biodegradable. Yet, research that develops edible robots has progressed recently and promises positive impacts: Robotic food could reduce electronic waste, help deliver nutrition and medicines to people and animals in need, monitor health, and even pave the way to novel gastronomical experiences…

Scientists map biodiversity changes in the world’s forests


A group of EPFL and ETH Zurich scientists have mapped the biodiversity in forests worldwide. Their data, when combined with climate projections, reveal trends that could support ecosystem conservation and restoration efforts.
“This is the largest study of its kind in terms of scale and number of species. Our findings provide an overview of forest biodiversity across the entire planet, not just in regions that are already well-documented”, says Devis Tuia, professor at Environmental Computational Science and Earth Observation Laboratory

Student Job: Innovation Tools Coordinator, 20%


We seek a highly organised, proactive and detail-oriented Innovation Tools Coordinator to join our team. The successful candidate will be key in managing SFNV’s facility sharing & job platforms, ensuring seamless operations and effective communication with partners. This position offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growth and impact of the Swiss food ecosystem.

Open Exploration Workshop

Events, News, Opportunities

Des représentants de l’agriculture, de l’industrie de transformation, du commerce, des partenaires académiques, des cantons, des communes, des citoyens et de la prochaine génération se mettront autour de la table pour créer un avenir alimentaire diversifié, résilient et durable.

SATW Food 4.0 – winners


This year’s call for proposals to promote innovative projects in the Swiss food system met with great interest. A panel of experts selected the six most promising projects from the 30 submitted, and we are happy to announce that 2 of the supported projects are from EPFL!


Events, Opportunities

Future Food P-act est une initiative portée par les Innovation Boosters Swiss Food Ecosystems et Future Food Farming, soutenus par Innosuisse.
Les participants auront l’opportunité de bénéficier d’un financement pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 39’000 CHF pour concrétiser leurs idées novatrices.

Internship at Givaudan

News, Opportunities

As an Intern in Science & Technology, in the Delivery Systems group, of Givaudan’s Taste & Wellbeing Division you will work on emulsions and other encapsulation systems related topics. You will work on the formulation of liquid and solid delivery systems, prepare them with different types of equipment and characterise them. This internship is limited to 6 months and is based in Kemptthal.

Meat the Future

Events, News

In this conference, Tobias Leenaert, prominent speaker, educator and author on the subject, will dive into the challenges surrounding the exploitation of animals, while also explaining how advocacy and alternatives to animal products (plant-based, fermentation, and animal cell cultivation) can be leveraged to create positive change.

Appel à projets en économie circulaire

News, Opportunities

Avez vous des idées pour rendre votre ville plus écologique et plus agréable à vivre?
L’incubateur d’économie circulaire (EC) permet aux équipes et aux startups de préparer et de développer des solutions contribuant à accélérer la transition vers l’économie circulaire en Suisse. Les entrepreneurs sélectionnés travaillent au développement de leur produit minimum viable (MVP) et à la validation de leur modèle économique, avec le soutien de conseillers, d’experts et de notre réseau d’investisseurs concernés.

Alimentation durable: qu’y aura-t-il dans nos assiettes en 2050?

Events, News

26.10.2023 à 17h45, Forum Rolex

Marc Dufumier est agronome, professeur honoraire en agriculture comparée et développement agricole à l’AgroParisTech (Paris). Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, Marc Dufumier a réalisé de nombreuses missions d’appui à des projets de développement agricole et rural dans les pays du Sud.

Future Food Initiative – Call 2022/23 Winners

News, Opportunities

In 2019, EPFL and ETH Zurich have launched Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative, together with Swiss food industry leaders Bühler, Givaudan and Nestlé. The goal of the initiative is to expand research and education in the area of food and nutrition sciences to develop solutions that address grand challenges of the current food systems. The program is co-managed by the Integrative Food and Nutrition Center at EPFL and the World Food System Center at ETH Zurich.

Funding for PhD students carrying out Flavor research

News, Opportunities

GIRACT is the leading transnational business research and consultancy organization specializing in food ingredients, additives and related fine chemicals and technologies.
The consortium of industry sponsors aims to raise awareness of the industry and career opportunities in order to increase the flavor research talent pool in Europe.



The AIT program aims to support scientists in transforming their applied research into market application and discovering their entrepreneurial potential.
By connecting scientists from top ins­titutions in Switzerland and India, the program promotes an international network and enables access to one of the most promising markets and intel­lectual capitals in applied research.

WFP Innovation Challenge – Call for Applications


This edition of the WFP (The United Nations World Food Programme) Innovation Challenge seeks to identify and support disruptive social innovations that address key challenges in the fight against hunger. We are particularly interested in solutions for humanitarian assistance and supply chain resilience as we aim to ensure that every donor dollar goes further in addressing hunger while reducing the need for ration cuts. 

Workshop on Resource Efficiency 05.09.2023, Wabern

Events, Opportunities

Our food system is broken and needs urgent re-shaping for how we are using the planet’s resources. Deep-Dive into problems that hinder resource efficiency with today’s agro-food system. Join a diverse community for a better understanding of whose problem it is, what their sources are, and their effects. Let open-innovation experts guide you to finish up (…)

La réutilisation des bouteilles en verre, 28 août 2023


Les emballages en verre réutilisable représentent l’avenir pour plusieurs raisons : ils économisent de l’énergie, des émissions de CO2 et des ressources. Ils contribuent à rendre la Suisse moins dépendante de l’étranger, réduisent les coûts, renforcent l’économie locale et régionale, et offrent aux clientes et clients la possibilité de consommer de manière durable.

Programme de durabilité pour les entreprises du agro-alimentaire

News, Opportunities

Le Swiss Triple Impact est un programme national unique qui permet aux entreprises suisses de mesurer leur contribution aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) et ainsi d’améliorer leur performance en matière de développement durable. En 3 étapes, le Swiss Triple Impact permet de cibler les ODD les plus importants pour votre entreprise, de mettre en place un plan d’action concret pour améliorer son impact social et environnemental.

Radically New Solutions for a More Sustainable Urban Future


Swissnex in San Francisco invites startups, design studios, research projects, and corporate initiatives in the fields of Food, Energy, and Physical and Digital Cities to submit their projects to take part in our 20th anniversary programming, from November 7–9, 2023 in San Francisco.

U.S. Approves the Sale of Lab-Grown Chicken


The Agriculture Department approved the production and sale of laboratory-grown meat for the first time on June 21, clearing the way for two California companies, Upside Foods and Good Meat, to sell chicken produced from animal cells. The decision is a milestone for companies making cell-grown meat, along with consumers looking for alternatives to chickens bred in a factory farm and slaughtered.

Projet collaboratif NPR: FEEL – Food Energy Eco Lean

News, Opportunities

Pour faire face aux augmentations des prix de l’énergie, la fluctuation de sa disponibilité et en vue de contribuer à l’atteinte des Objectifs de Développement Durables, le projet FEEL propose une intégration de l’optimisation énergétique dans les entreprises agroalimentaires.

FAO Event: Sustainably feeding 10 billion people in 2050

Events, News

Keynote presentation by Dr. Ismahane Elouafi, the Chief Scientist of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
June 1, 2023 | 14:30-16:30
EPFL Auditorium: MED 0 1418
Organized jointly by the EPFL Integrative Food and Nutrition Center and the EssentialTech Centre.

15 juin 2023 BCF Arena Fribourg: InnoFood & Co


Le rendez-vous annuel incontournable pour se connecter avec les acteurs de l’écosystème agro-alimentaire, en Suisse et à l’international, et découvrir les solutions pour une alimentation saine et durable.

Jeremy Luterbacher’s PET-like plastic made of plant by-products


Jeremy Luterbacher from EPFL’s Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processing has developed a way to turn plant by-products into materials that could serve as an alternative to some types of plastic.

Appel à projets sur le thème Sport & Nutrition


L’Innovation Booster Sport & Activité Physique, soutenu par Innosuisse et en collaboration avec l’UNIL et l’EPFL, est à la recherche d’un porteur de thème qui souhaiterait aborder la nutrition sous l’angle du sport. Le but étant de stimuler la collaboration multisectorielle afin de lancer de nouveaux projets et partenariats dans une culture d’innovation ouverte.

Événement – Sommet Suisse sur le Système Alimentaire


Ces derniers mois, l’Assemblée Citoyenne pour une Politique Alimentaire et le Comité scientifique Avenir Alimentaire Suisse se sont penchés de manière intensive sur cette question. Les recommandations en résultant pour une politique alimentaire durable ont été remis lors du Sommet Suisse sur le Système Alimentaire 2023.