Horizon Europe EIC Work Programme 2022 is published

The European Commission adopted the 2022 Work Programme of the European Innovation Council.

Calls for EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition are open to Swiss researchers and innovators.

EIC Pathfinder

– for multi-disciplinary research teams, to undertake visionary research with the potential to lead to technology breakthroughs.


Pathfinder Open, all thematic: apply by May 4th

Pathfinder Challenges*: apply by October 19th, soon on the F&T portal

* Carbon dioxide & nitrogen management and valorization; Mid-long term, systems-integrated energy storage; Cardiogenomics, healthcare continuum technologies; DNA-based digital data storage; Alternative quantum information processing, communication, and sensing.


EIC Transition

– funding to turn research results into innovation opportunities, by maturing the technology and building a business case for specific applications


Transition Open: all thematic which originates from EIC Pathfinder projects and European Research Council Proof of Concept projects, ongoing or recently finished

Transition Challenges: Green digital devices for the future; Process and system integration of clean energy technologies; RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for complex or rare genetic diseases.

Two cut-offs for applying: May 4th and September 28th