Quantum Positions at EPFL

© Alain Herzog, EPFL/2024

Please find a list of open positions in quantum at EPFL. If you are interested in applying to any of these, please contact the poster directly.

If you would like us to include a position in this list, please email [email protected].

Job openings

  • The collaborative effort between the Hybrid Quantum Circuit Laboratory at EPFL, led by Professor Pasquale Scarlino, and the Quantum Device Laboratory at ETH Zurich, led by Professor Andreas Wallraff, has received an Innosuisse grant to develop new superconducting traveling wave parametric amplifiers. This Innosuisse-supported project, commencing in November 2024, is led by Simone Frasca. They are seeking talented individuals to join their team.

    There are three positions available:

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Fabrication Engineer
    System Engineer

    Applications will go through the ETHZ job portal.
  • STI – PhD position in the Dynamic Quantum Materials Laboratory (DQML)

    The PhD position, supervised by Professor Gregor Jotzu, aims at exploring the light-induced control of  quantum magnets and their phase transitions, ultrafast dynamics of superconductors, and unconventional non-equilibrium topological phases. Experimental tasks encompass generating strong mid-infrared and THz laser pulses, as well as establishing detection techniques including ultrafast optical spectroscopy and novel magnetometry in a cryogenic environment.

    Candidates should be highly motivated for cutting-edge experimental research, demonstrating both teamwork and independent initiative. A solid background in physics or materials, especially optics, quantum and solid state physics, is important. Lab experience would be advantageous, particularly in areas like laser optics, cryogenics, material characterization, data acquisition or experiment control. Effective communication in English and programming skills are also beneficial. However, the key requirement is a willingness to learn and engage in challenging research.