INSPIRE Quantum Master Awards

An initiative to broaden opportunities for women in science
Inspire Quantum Master Fellowships

One of the QSE Center’s main missions is to attract excellent female students in the domain of quantum science and engineering, where they unfortunately still remain strongly underrepresented. To that end, the QSE Center is joining ETH Zurich, NCCR Spin and NCCR Marvel in launching the INSPIRE Quantum Master Awards. These awards aim to attract and empower excellent female students who will conduct their master’s project in the research areas represented at the QSE Center.

This initiative, recognizing that an ambitious master’s research project is a stepping stone to starting a career in research, seeks to increase the number of young women researchers in the QSE domain, as represented by the numerous research groups at EPFL.

The awardee will receive 8,000 CHF paid to them directly. External applicants are eligible for up to an additional 2,000 CHF for travel expenses.

Next application deadline: July 1, 2024

This award is given to female master’s students about to embark on their master’s project. Eligible candidates must demonstrate their motivation and potential to conduct their master’s research project in a laboratory supported by the QSE Center.

You are not required to complete your master’s degree at EPFL, just the master’s thesis.

Candidates are encouraged to apply while planning their master’s project, but may also apply within the first two months after its starting date.

Applicants must provide a list of all scholarships they received during their master’s studies, as part of their curriculum vitae. Generally, holding two scholarships with financial support that overlap in time is not allowed. However, it is possible to apply for the INSPIRE Quantum Master Award without requesting financial support. Eligibility will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The following documents must be submitted with your application. Please bundle these into one PDF file.

  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum vitae; if other scholarships were received, they must be declared in the CV.
  • Letter of acceptance from the host laboratory for the master’s project
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Copy of your university degree(s) / transcripts with all grades
  • Copy of identity card or passport (foreigners who live in Switzerland: + residence permit)
  • If available: documents such as TOEFL or GRE scores

Diplomas in English, French, German and Italian will be accepted. All other documents must be in English.

Please submit your INSPIRE Quantum Master Award applications by email to [email protected].

Selection is made on a competitive basis by the members of the QSE Center scientific committee. Applicants will receive an answer by email roughly 2 months after the application deadline. The selected candidates are asked to confirm their participation within 2 weeks. Otherwise, their award may be given to another candidate.

The award is granted only to selected applicants who have completed enrollment at EPFL. Selected awardees are typically asked to start their master’s research project in the host laboratory within eight months. Payment of the award is subject to the continuation of the master’s research project.