Our vision
The SCCER-FURIES envisions the enabling of seamless and sustainable powering of Swiss citizens’ houses, businesses, and communities. By developing and demonstrating, together with the Distribution and Transmission Network Operators, the essential knowledge and technologies for a sustainable and stable electrical infrastructure of the future will integrate cleaner and reliable power supplies and storage facilities.
SCCER FURIES’ focus areas
SCCER-FURIES academic and industrial partners have identified and address the following main topics which are aligned with the Smart grid Road Map of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) (in FR or DE):
- Grid monitoring and dynamic control,
- Multi-terminal AC-DC transmission and distribution,
- Power electronics and switching,
- Control of massive DG and distributed storage,
- Multi-energy grids,
- Power systems planning and architecture,
- Demand-side response,
- Standardization and grid control, and
- Technologies for power systems components.
In a frame of SCCER-FURIES, the above-listed topics have been grouped in four main domains – Work Packages – which reflects the size and complexity, of a given layer, or component, of the electrical grid.
WP1-Regional multi-energy grids
WP3-Multi-terminal AC-DC grids and power electronics
Over Phase I (2014-2016), the FURIES partners have developed innovative solutions; developed capacities and transferred knowledge and technology from the academy to the industry achieving the associated objectives.
During Phase II, the readiness level of the most promising technology will be further advanced through their validation in real-grid demonstrators or performance improvement in the lab.