The Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) of EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) provides post-doctoral researchers with excellent training opportunities. Post-doctoral researchers are supervised by a senior researcher or professor and, whenever needed, they have the possibility to interact with a large group of senior scientists, from whom they will also obtain advice and guidance on their specific areas of expertise. Post-doctoral researchers take an active role in the EPFL teaching activities as well as in the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students as a complement of their training.
Post-docs are hired as scientific collaborators on yearly contracts, of which the first two years are generally guaranteed. The contracts can be renewed up to five years. We ensure a mentoring scheme to support the career development of our post-doctoral researchers.
Social and sport activities are an important part of the life as a post-doctoral researcher at SPC. We believe that the creativity is actually boosted by the pleasant working conditions at SPC. Having a group with a critical mass of fellow students and post-doctoral researchers is crucial also for this.
Available positions
A list of currently available positions can be found here.
How to apply?
Your application for a post-doctoral position at SPC must include:
- this form, duly completed with the name and email address of three referees willing to write a recommendation letter (we will ask for the letter, if necessary).
- a motivation letter
- a complet CV with publication list
Send your application to [email protected] at any time of the year. We will then decide on an invitation for an interview. We might do a first step via remote conferencing (e.g., Zoom). If we decide to pursue the candidature further, you would:
- be invited to a virtual or in-person visit of the SPC in Lausanne (at our expenses)
- give a seminar
- meet the present post-doctoral researchers
- discuss potential research topics with senior researchers
We’ll then decide on hiring you, in which case the administrative process is launched.