Suite of fast and reliable codes related to tokamak equilibrium calculations. Written in MATLAB with some core elements written in C.
- LIUQE: Equilibrium reconstruction. Main code used for TCV and tested for ITER and RFX. Includes Simulink version compatible with real-time code generation. Real-time and off-line versions are the same, differing only in the number of iterations used per time step.
- FBT: Inverse equilibrium solver used to compute currents in PF coils for a desired equilibrium shape and other constraints. Routinely used before each TCV shot
- FGS: Static forward solver. Given conductor currents and plasma constraints, computes an equilibrium.
- FGE: Evolutive forward solver: Given voltages on PF coils, compute evolution of currents in conductors, as well as plasma equilibrium. Includes linearized (FGEL) and rigid (RZP) variants.
This code is available for academic purposes with an academic license. Licensing for commercial purposes is also possible. Please contact for inquiries.