The Zeiss Merlin is an ultra-high resolution FE-SEM (Field Emission SEM). The Gemini II column allows scanning modes with different probe currents; from few pA for high resolution imaging up to 300 nA for analytical purposes.
Equipped with:
- standard Everhart-Thornley secondary-electron (SE) detector;
- Gemini II column with Inlens (SE) and EsB (Energy selective BSE) detectors;
- insertable 4 quadrant backscattered electron (BSE) detector;
- insertable annular dark and bright STEM detector;
- two Oxford Instruments EDX detectors:
- X-max80 (standard)
- X-max Extreme (windowless detector – EDX data collection at very low kV (e.g. 1kV – 3kV), Li detection)
- Optional: EBIC measurement