Ebeam – Administration

Booking Rules

Maximum 3 hrs per day per USER between 7AM and 7PM (Mon-Fri).
Maximum 10 hrs per week per LABORATORY !!! between 7AM and 7PM (Mon-Fri).

Maximum 15 hrs per USER during nights/weekends. 

Available trainings

There are several trainings available for the EBEAM lithography, some of them mandatory, some of them optional, based on the user needs. The training times are indicative of the typical time the training takes, and may be longer (or shorter), depending on the user. The goal of each training is to make the user an independent operator of the equipment, not to complete the user’s imaging project. The trainings are for maximum of one or two users at a time.

Training #1 – data preparation – CATS, cjob (3 hrs, mandatory)

  • Introduction to the principles of the tool operation and writing strategy (1.5hr)
  • Pattern data conversion from .gds to .gpf using CATS software (1hr)
  • Creation of writing job scripts using cjob (1.5hr)

This training is usually scheduled on Thursday afternoon, 13-17:00, and takes place outside of the cleanroom, in the CMi computer lab BM1132. The training request can be made via the “Training request” button in the login section of the cmi.epfl.ch website.

Training #2 – safety, resist process, tool operation (4 hrs, mandatory)

  • Safety, order and cleanliness in the ebeam zone (Z7) of the cleanroom (30min)
  • Resist coater, wet benches (30min)
  • Sample holders, alignment microscope (1hr)
  • Holder loading, vacuum system, computer interface (30min)
  • Batch_job editing, job verification (30min)
  • Job writing, unloading (30min)
  • Resist develop, cleaning, verification with optical microscope (30min)

This training is usually scheduled one a week after the first training to allow user enough time to prepare the writing job for the training, arrange resist and wafer, etc… The training is typically scheduled on Wednesday afternoon, 14-18:00, and takes place in zone 7 (the Ebeam zone) of the cleanroom. There is no request needed, this training gets automatically scheduled with the Training #1.

After completing this training, user is given the rights to book and use the tool and the processing lab independently during the daytime (7-19) on weekdays (Mo-Fr). After the user gains some experience and feels confident to request 24/7 access, such access can be given.

Training #3 – PEC and advanced dataprep – BEAMER (3 hrs, optional)

  • Ebeam proximity effect correction (PEC) theory (1hr)
  • Examples with CMi test patterns in various resists (30min)
  • BEAMER software (1hr)
  • PEC with BEAMER software (30min)

This training is scheduled based on user request at first available time, and takes place outside of the cleanroom, in the CMi computer lab BM1132. The request should be emailed directly to Zdenek Benes.

Training #4 – Alignment (2 hrs, optional)

  • Theory and available strategies for alignment of subsequent exposures (1hr)
  • Alignment microscope and sample loading (30min)
  • Test exposure with manual and automatic alignment (15min)
  • Individual consultation of user specific case (15min)

This training is scheduled based on user request at first available time, typically on Friday 10AM-noon, and takes place in zone 7 of the CMi cleanroom. The request should be emailed directly to Zdenek Benes.

Additional trainings

Additional individual trainings and consultations on any ebeam lithography related topic based on users need/interest are available on request.