Phone numbers


Zone 01 Photolithography3 64 41
Zone 02 Etching3 64 42
Zone 03 Thin Films3 64 43
Zone 04 Thin Films 3 64 44
Zone 05 Photolithography 3 64 45
Zone 06 Photolithography 3 64 46
Zone 07  EBeam3 64 47
Zone 08 FIB3 64 48
Zone 09 Dicing3 64 49
Zone 10 Parylene3 67 26
Zone 11 Thin Films, IBE3 10 11
Zone 12 PDMS3 10 12
Zone 13 Photolithography 3 10 13
Zone 14 Wet Etching, CPD3 10 14
Zone 15 Metrology3 10 15
Zone 16 – Desk in front of zone 12 Krüss, Cutter Plotter3 10 22
Zone 16 – Desk in front of zone 13 NanoScribe3 10 23
Zone 16 – Desk in front of zone 14 MLA1503 10 24
Zone 17 Wire Bonding3 79 73
Zone 18 PLD, Excimer3 34 10
Zone 19 CMP, KOH, Mixte3 28 46
Zone 22Grinding3 72 54
Facilities3 64 52
CMi Open Space3 68 35


Please refer to the CMi staff page.