The hot plates are used primarily for post-coat bake (solvent removal, reflow) of ZEP, MMA/PMMA and nLOF resists. They are located in the processing room of the ebeam zone (zone 7), next to the coater, and are dedicated to ebeam lithography ONLY !!! Following resists and solvents are currently authorized to be used there: MMA, PMMA, ZEP, CSAR, nLOF, HSQ, FOX16. Please do not bring in any other material and do not try to process any other resist or substance there. If you have any special request, please, talk to Zdenek first.
The setpoint for the left SAWATEC hotplate is fixed at 183 deg C. DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE !!! It results in hotplate temperature of 180 deg C when the top cover is closed, and 173 deg when the top cover is open (due to the air-flow circulation of the bench that houses the hotplates). This hotplate is dedicated to post coat bake of ZEP and MMA/PMMA.
The setpoint for the right SAWATEC hotplate can be changed in the range of 112-123 deg C. It results in hotplate temperature of 110-121 deg C when the top cover is closed, and 104-115 deg when the top cover is open (due to the air-flow circulation of the bench that houses the hotplates). This hotplate is dedicated to post coat and post-expose bake of nLOF. nLOF is chemically amplified resist and is thus very sensitive to the baking temperature (especially of the post-expose bake). To dial-in the exposure and process conditions, it is often necessary to make small temperature adjustments of several degrees to achieve the best results. To change the setpoint of this plate, simply dial in a desired value using the UP or DOWN arrow keys on the plate controller located on the front panel below the hotplate.