UFT Resist

Preliminary and fundamental remarks:


UFT Resist in zone 2 is dedicated to clearing layers of photoresist only. It is NOT aimed at proceeding to metal lift-off ! UFT Resist in Zone 2 must stay free of metallics.

For metal lift-off, the Plade Solvent bench in Zone 1 (SVC-14) , Arias Solvent bench in Zone 13 (acetone) or Arias Solvent bench in Zone 12 (any solvent) must be used.

UFT Resist clears photoresist through two identical and successive baths of SVC-14 heated at 70°C.

QDR: Quick Dump Rinse (rough rinsing)
CT: Cascade Tank (fine rinsing)
Figure 1: Schematic of the UFT Resist treatment route

Step-by-step procedure

  1. Activate the heating system of both baths filled with SVC-14 (it should take approximately 30 min to rise up to 70°C from room temperature).
  2. Load the wafers in one of the Remover dedicated Teflon carrier and put the handle on.
  3. Wear nitrile gloves before going further.
  4. Once the temperature (70°C) is reached, gently plunge the carrier into the first bath filled with SVC-14.
  5. Start the timer by using the button “Timer 1”. Don’t change the duration of the timer!
  6. After 5 min, a buzzer indicates the end of the first treatment. Press the button “Alarm Silence” to stop it and to reset the timer.
  7. Move the carrier to the second bath filled with SVC-14.
  8. Start the timer by using the button “Timer 2”. Don’t change the duration of the timer!
  9. After 5 min, another buzzer indicates the end of the second treatment. Press again the button “Alarm Silence” to stop it and to reset the timer.
  10. Move the carrier to the QDR bath.
  11. Press the button “QDR” to start the first rinsing cycle. At the end of it, press “Alarm Silence” to stop the buzzer.
  12. Move the carrier to the Cascade bath.
  13. Press the button “CASCADE” to start the second rinsing cycle. At the end of it, press “Alarm Silence” to stop the buzzer.
  14. Clean all surfaces of the wet bench with a moist tissue (3 x cleaning/rinsings are necessary).
  15. Remove the handle and put the carrier in the spin rinser and dryer SRD by using the recipe “Dry only”. Just press STOP and the START.
  16. Dry the entire wet bench with absorbent papers.
  17. Stop the heating system of baths 1 and 2.
  18. When the SRD is finished, get the wafers back and put the carrier where it belongs.
  19. Carefully check the cleanliness of the wet bench before taking off nitrile gloves.
  20. Perform wet bench logout on zone 2 computer.


Any droplets of any kind MUST be removed from the wetbench before leaving it. Suspicious droplets must be cleared using a moist cloth (2 to 3 cleanings/rinsings are necessary) and remaining water droplets must be removed with absorbent paper.