Arias Lift-off Z12

To be read first:

  • Solvent chemistry: Do not breath unsafe NMP solvent vapor during processing.
  • Good working practice: When done, empty beakers in the dedicated waste bottles. Clean the work area of glass beakers, paper wipes, tweezers and make sure it is dry (no unidentified liquid).
  • When done, turn the light off and close the main window!
  • Please immediately inform the CMi staff in case of problems with the equipment.


  1. Reservation names must correspond to operators.


  1. Introduction
  2. Equipement description
  3. Users manuals
  4. Links
  5. Pictures gallery

I. Introduction

The Arias Lift-off wet bench in Zone 12 is dedicated to long-duration wet processes involving photoresists with solvent chemistry only.

It is dedicated for lifting off deposited material on wafers and chips (Remover 1165 – NMP or SVC-14 – DMSO)

Any other processes involving solvent chemistry should be discussed with the equipment responsibles.

Although no extremely dangerous chemicals are used on this bench and safety dressing is not required, we encourage users to read and understand the wet bench safety manual.

In case of long processes, unnatended beakers should be clearly labelled with username, solvent type and expected return date/time.

II. Equipment description


Actual layout:

  • Right side: water tap, drying area & sinks for rinsing
  • Left side:  “in process” beaker area (divided into 8 zones)
  • Back: 2x water Bain-Marie units for heating and 1x water unit for ultrasonic agitation (US)
  • Under the bench: waste bottles

Control panels:

Controllers for the light, window and ultrasonic baths are located on the front panels.


Chemicals that are allowed on the Arias Solvent wet bench are:

  • IPA (orange)
  • Acetone (red)
  • Remover 1165 / NMP (white, check label)
  • SVC-14 / DMSO (white, check label)

Make sure to empty used chemicals in the appropriate waste bottles!

III. User manuals

Rules to leave a sample in a zone (1-8 and A-E):

Samples that should not be exposed to US should not be in slots E and F !!!

Rules :

1. Only one user per zone (1-8 and A-F)
2. No filled beaker left for more than 15 minutes outside a zone.
3. All the information regarding your process (username, chemical, and
retrurn date) are on the corresponding label on the window-shield.
4. A delay of one extra (open) day is tolerated after the dened return date .
5. It is possible to extend the date of return for a maximum of 3 days.
Any changes are indicated on the label.
6. Every beaker used is cleaned by its user when he has nished his process.

If a user does not follow one of these rules :

1) User is warned via email – delay of 24h
2) User access are removed – please contact a sta to get your sample back


Good Working Practices:

IV. Links

V. Pictures gallery