- Booking: maximum 12 time slots (30 minutes) allowed at any time.
- Reservation names must correspond to operators.
- Billing : processing time.
- This equipment is subject to penalty fees in case of user’s no-show.
- Booking is mandatory for correct use of syringe dispenser (lift-off or spary coating)
I. Introduction
EVG150 is a modular cluster tool equiped with 2 loading/unloading cassette, one wafer centering station, one coater bowl, one developer bowl and a stack of 3 hotplates. The individual processing stations are fed by a central robot arm. The EVG150 cluster at EPFL can process standard silicon wafers or transparent substrates from 100mm to 150mm. The machine is available for positive photoresist coating, softbake, PEB (post exposure bake), hardbake and development.
II. Checklist before starting
Recipes are stored in database library, each photoresist has is own library to be loaded first. Options are as follow:
- Std = Silicon wafers without HMDS pre-treatment
- No_Dehydratation = Silicon wafers treated with HMDS in a Yes Oven
- Glass only = Skip wafer centering
- Quartz = wafer with low thermal conductivity
Thicknesses and edge bead cleaning can be selected within each library. A copy of the library can be stored (localy on the HD) in a specific user folder.
Verify machine configuration
- 100mm or 150mm cassettes are loaded.
- In case of lift-off application: Check for syringe cartridge is loaded with AZ nLoF 2020 or LOR5A accordingly to your booking configuration.
- In case of spray coating application: Check for syringe cartridge is loaded with specific dilution of resist accordingly to your booking configuration.
- By default two lines are always feeded with (booking with “No syringe”)
- Cybor #1 = AZ 1512 HS: general purpose resist. Thickness ranges from 1.1 to 2.0µm
- Cybor #2 = AZ 10XT-60 thick resist. Thickness range 5.0 to 14µm (single coat)
3) Prepare wafers
Perform appropriate surface preparation steps (dehydration, HMDS coating, …) based on process flow. Make sure to finish before reservation starts.
Specific Modules
III. User manuals
Step-by-step operation
IV. Links
- Available resists at CMi
- About Spray Coating