To be read first:
- SOP validation: Any material that is being spin-coated on the Sawatec coater must be approved by the CMi Staff! A standard operating procedure (SOP) is required and must be validated to use any new material on the system.
Cross-Contamination: Different materials with non-compatible chemistry are being coated on the Sawatec coater. Make sure to clean the chuck after each working session. A dedicated trash-bin is available to throw away contaminated material.
- Please immediately inform the CMi staff in case of problems with the equipment.
- No booking restrictions.
- 24/7 booking/use is possible with CMi+1 extended access.
- Reservation names must correspond to operators.
I. Introduction
The Sawatec coater line for MISC polymers is equipped with a bench-mounted LSM-250 spin-coating unit and two Präzitherm PZ 28-2 ET / PR 5 SR hotplate & controller units from Harry Gestigkeit GMBH. One hotplate is equipped with a cover and input for nitrogen gas for baking under N2 flow.
This coating line is dedicated to the coating of non-standard (i.e. other than novolak-based photoresists) thin films. This includes but is not restricted to:
- Polymer molecules in aqueous solution for sacrificial layer applications: DEXTRAN, PAA, PSS, PVA, …
- Spin-on dielectrics/glass, spin-on dopants (boron, phosphorous, etc…)
- Conductive polymers: PEDOT:PSS, Nafion
- Unsafe polymer/photoresists diluted with non-traditional, unsafe solvent: BCB Cyclotene, Omnicoat, ELPAC PA-5500 H, Solvene/PVDF, …
II. Equipment description
Sawatec manual coater:
- Compact spin-coater with in-deck configuration
- Handle wafers up to 8″ diameter
- Minimum chip size: 10mm * 10mm
- Rotation speeds up to 6’000 RPM
- Spin programs with up to 24 steps.
Available chucks:
Two chucks are available. One for 4” wafer which can suit 6” wafer and one for smaller samples/chips down to 10x10mm.

Präzitherm hotplates:
- Precision hotplates PTZ 28-2 ET combined with PR 5 SR controller
- Maximum tempearture 350 °C, precision +/- 0.5 °C
- Hotplate surface 280 mm x 200 mm
- Programmable temperature ramps with up to 5 steps
- Second hotplate equipped with cover and N2 line for nitrogen ambiant curing