Steering committee

The missions of our steering committee is described in the UNIL-EPFL agreement.  It is composed of the deans of SV and FBM or their representatives, 4 professors (2 from SV, 2 from FBM) plus the head and co-head of BICC.  Currently they are:

Heads of committee:
Nicolas Guex 
Christian Iseli 

Committee members EPFL:
Johannes Gräff 
Felix Naef 

Committee members UNIL:
Maria Cristina Gambetta (FBM SSF)
Pierre-Yves Bochud (FBM SSC)

SV Deanship representatives:
Andy Oates (Dean)
Roman Chrast (Dean representative)

FBM Deanship representatives:
Renaud Du Pasquier (Dean)
Jérôme Goudet (Dean representative)


The mission of the steering committee is to review annually the core facility’s activity and strategic plan.

In particular, the steering committee:

  • Ensures that the platform’s activity is aligned with the School of Life Sciences’ community needs.
  • Helps to assess the user’s satisfaction.
  • Provides feedback and recommendations on the annual strategic plan and budget.
  • Assists in identifying internal and external funding and partnership opportunities.