Leica SP8 FLIM Microscope, with hybrid photon counting detectors (HyD). Capable of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM).
Boasts full temperature and CO2 Control and a pulsed supercontinuum tunable white light laser.
Person in charge: Nicolas Chiaruttini & Thierry Laroche
Book on SV-PPMS
Technical Specifications
Stand: Inverted DMI6000 motorized
XY-Stage: Motorized XY
Illumination: Lumencor Sola LED and halogen lamp
Software: LEICA LAS-X
Due to spec limitations, images taken with 405 nm laser and 25x Water objective will give weird results
FLIM Module
Laser lines:
- 440nm pulsed laser (40 MHz – 312.5 kHz )
- Supercontinuum White Light Laser (80 MHz – 10 MHz + Manual) Range: 470nm to 670nm
FLIM Analysis Software:
- SynPhoTime x64 from PicoQuant (+1 license dongle available)
Detector Type | Amount |
PMT | x2 (range: 390nm to 790nm) |
HyD | x2 (range: 390nm to 790nm) |
HyD SMD | x1 (range: 390nm to 790nm) |
Transmission PMT | x1 |
Objective | Mag/NA | Medium | Contrast | WD (mm) |
HC PL FLUOTAR | 10x/0.30 | air | 11.00 | |
HC FLUOTAR | 25x/0.95 | water | 2.40 | |
HC PL APO Corr | 63x/1.20** | water | 0.30 | |
HC PL APO | 63x/1.30 | glyc | 0.30 | |
HC PL APO | 63x/1.40 | oil | 0.14 |
** Motorized correction ring and microfluidic dispenser.
Wavelengths | Laser Type |
405 nm | Diode |
440 nm | Diode (Pulsed, Flim capable) |
Supercontinuum laser | Range: 470 – 670 nm (Pulsed, Flim capable) |
The links in the table below will send you to an FPbase configuration page.