Leica SP8 FLIM

Leica SP8 FLIM
Leica SP8 FLIM Inverted Microscope with Photon Counting Electronics for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging.

Leica SP8 FLIM Microscope, with hybrid photon counting detectors (HyD). Capable of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM).

Boasts full temperature and CO2 Control and a pulsed supercontinuum tunable white light laser.

Person in charge: Nicolas Chiaruttini & Thierry Laroche

Book on SV-PPMS

Technical Specifications

Stand: Inverted DMI6000 motorized
XY-Stage: Motorized XY
Illumination: Lumencor Sola LED and halogen lamp
Software: LEICA LAS-X


Due to spec limitations, images taken with 405 nm laser and 25x Water objective will give weird results

FLIM Module

Laser lines:

  • 440nm pulsed laser (40 MHz – 312.5 kHz )
  • Supercontinuum White Light Laser (80 MHz – 10 MHz + Manual) Range: 470nm to 670nm

FLIM Analysis Software:


Detector TypeAmount
PMTx2 (range: 390nm to 790nm)
HyDx2 (range: 390nm to 790nm)
HyD SMDx1 (range: 390nm to 790nm)
Transmission PMTx1


ObjectiveMag/NAMediumContrastWD (mm)
HC PL FLUOTAR10x/0.30air11.00
HC FLUOTAR25x/0.95water2.40
HC PL APO Corr 63x/1.20**water0.30
HC PL APO63x/1.30glyc0.30
HC PL APO63x/1.40oil0.14

** Motorized correction ring and microfluidic dispenser.


WavelengthsLaser Type
405 nmDiode
440 nmDiode (Pulsed, Flim capable)
Supercontinuum laserRange: 470 – 670 nm (Pulsed, Flim capable)


The links in the table below will send you to an FPbase configuration page.

BlueBP 360/40FT 400LP 425A
GreenBP 470/40FT 510LP 515I3
RedBP 540/40FT 580LP 590N2.1
CFP/YFP434/20 501/20453 518469/24 535/30
