PerkinElmer Operetta

PerkinElmer Operetta
High throughput microscope with spinning disk confocal capability. Running Harmony Software Suite from PerkinElmer.

PerkinElmer fully contained high throughput microscope for fast multi-well imaging in widefield and confocal spinning disk. Full CO2 and temperature control.

Person in charge: José Artacho & Nicolas Chriaruttini

Book on SV-PPMS

Technical Specifications

Stand: Fully closed multi-well reader microscope.
XY-Stage: Motorized
Illumination: LED
Software: PerkinElmer Harmony


CameraAndor Zyla 5.5
Chip TechnologyCMOS BW
Sensor Format 2560 x 2160
Chip size16.60 mm x 14.00 mm
Pixel size6.50 um x 6.50 um
Dynamic Range16-bit


ObjectiveMag/NAMediumContrastWD (mm)
Plan Neofluar10x/0.35air5.20
LD Plan Neofluar20x/0.40air8.28
Plan Apochromat20x/0.80air0.55
W Plan Apochromat20x/1.00water1.70
LD C Apochromat40x/1.10water0.62
LD C Apochromat 63x/1.15water0.60


The links in the table below will send you to an FPbase configuration page.

BlueBP 355-385 – BP 390-420LP 425BP 430-500
GreenBP 435-460 BP 460-490LP 495HC 500-550
RedBP 490-515 BP 530-560LP 565HC 570-650
InfraredBP 615-645 BP 650-675 LP 650BP 655-760
