Cluster specifications
Jed is an Intel Ice Lake based cluster available to the EPFL community starting January 16th, 2023.
- Peak performance Rpeak: 2’322 TFLOPs
- Total RAM: 233,5 TB
- Storage: 350 TB
The cluster is composed of 419 compute nodes, each with
- 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8360Y processors running at 2.4 GHz, with 36 cores each (72 cores per machine),
- 3 TB of SSD disk
for a total of 30’240 cores (including the frontend node)
375 nodes have 512 GB of RAM,
42 nodes have 1 TB of RAM,
2 nodes have 2 TB of RAM
Interconnect: Ethernet Mellanox Technologies MT27710 Family [ConnectX-4 Lx]
GPFS filesystem.
Login node: