Cluster specifications
Helvetios is an Intel Xeon based cluster, available to the EPFL research community.
- Peak performance Rpeak: 763 TFLOPs
- 10’368 cores total
- Total RAM: 54TB
- Storage (scratch): 186TB all-flash, max 40 GB/s IO bandwidth
- Infiniband EDR 100Gb 2:1 (1:1 on each 24-node chassis)
The cluster is composed of
- one front end,
- two master nodes in charge of administration and backup,
- two dedicated data movement/transfer nodes,
- 287 compute nodes, each with
- 2 Skylake processors running at 2.3 GHz, with 18 cores each,
- 192 GB of DDR3 RAM,
- 800GB NVMe local drive