Cluster specifications

Kuma is an AMD based cluster, available to the EPFL research community.

  • Partition h100: 84 nodes, each equipped with 4 NVIDIA H100 SXM5 GPUs,94 GB GPU RAM (HBM2e) per GPU, Memory bandwidth: 2.4 TB/s, Interconnected with NVLink, 900 GB/s bandwidth.
  • Partition l40s: 20 nodes, each equipped with 8 NVIDIA L40S GPUs, 48 GB GPU RAM (HBM2e) per GPU, Memory bandwidth: 864 GB/s.
  • Connectivity: Each compute node has two 200Gb InfiniBand HDR connections
  • Storage: /scratch storage on a “Full Flash” infrastructure

The cluster is composed of:

  • Two front ends
  • one master node in charge of administration and backup
  • 104 GPU nodes (H100 or L40s) with 384GB of DDR5 RAM

More information: https://scitas-doc.epfl.ch/supercomputers/kuma/