Funding opportunities

A major mission of the Research Office is to help and guide researchers in the acquisition of funding. Here you will find information on multiple funding opportunities and access resources and services for proposal preparation.

What kind of project would you like to fund?

Collaborative grants

Discover the most popular collaborative research funding opportunities.

Individual grants

Discover the most popular individual research funding opportunities.

Internal funding programmes

Discover funding programmes coordinated by the Research Office.

Equipment funding

Get all documents to initiate the acquisition of scientific equipment.

Funding Compendia

Browse our thematic compendia of funding opportunities.

ResearchConnect grant database

Browse the ResearchConnect database and identify funding opportunities. Contact the Research Office to set up a free account.

Resources and Services

Personalized advice

Not sure where to start? Contact the Research Office to answer your questions.

Grant Writing Service

Obtain support and advise in developing your research proposal.

Resources for preparing your application

Glance at our simplified guides on various grant-related topics.

Call deadlines and events

Events on research funding and management

Find upcoming and past events organized by the Research Office.

Funding calendar

Check the Memento for upcoming funding opportunities.



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EPFL Research Office

Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne

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