EPFL internal funding programmes

Discover funding opportunities sponsored by various institutions and coordinated by the EPFL Research Office.

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For PhD students


The CYD Fellowships is a talent program for cyber-defence research.  It offers Master Thesis, Doctoral, and Distinguished Postdoctoral fellowships to candidates with an outstanding academic and, if applicable, professional track record.

CYD proof of concept Fellowships aim to support applied research leading towards an innovative product or service with the intention of making a real impact and evaluating the potential for commercialization of such products or services.

EPFLglobaLeaders is a doctoral fellowship programme funding early stage researchers to become leaders in the transition towards sustainable societies.

EPFLinnovators is an industry-oriented doctoral programme integrating a secondment in the non-academic sector and providing PhD candidates with transferable skills training.

EPFL researchers can apply for a short-term research exchange at Stanford University. he EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme seeks to foster long-term collaborations between researchers of the two institutions in a variety of life science fields, with a particular emphasis on chemical biology and neuroscience.

As part of the Engineering for Humanitarian Action Initiative (EHA) initiative, the goal of the Humanitarian Action Fellowship is to explore joint research ideas between ETH Zurich, EPFL and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) or to support the ICRC to pilot, use or scale research findings from completed Humanitarian Action Challenges (HAC) projects.

For Postdocs


The CYD Fellowships is a talent program for cyber-defence research.  It offers Master Thesis, Doctoral, and Distinguished Postdoctoral fellowships to candidates with an outstanding academic and, if applicable, professional track record.

CYD proof of concept Fellowships aim to support applied research leading towards an innovative product or service with the intention of making a real impact and evaluating the potential for commercialization of such products or services.

Postdoctoral fellowships on collaborative and interdisciplinary research on AI topics.

Postdoctoral fellowships in sustainable innovation, funded by MSCA.

As part of the Engineering for Humanitarian Action Initiative (EHA) initiative, the goal of the Humanitarian Action Fellowship is to explore joint research ideas between ETH Zurich, EPFL and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) or to support the ICRC to pilot, use or scale research findings from completed Humanitarian Action Challenges (HAC) projects.

For established researchers

In order to restore scientific exchange and encourage new collaborations, the EPFL Presidency has decided to dedicate funds in 2022 to a Science Seed Fund.

Funding solutions for reducing our energy dependence and carbon footprint as well as leveraging EPFL’s capabilities in research and innovation around Green Energy, Storage and Sustainability and Carbon capture, Usage and Storage to create an excellence area with demonstrators on our Campus and solutions ready for scale-up.

Funding solutions for advancing Open Science among ETH Domain researchers and institutions. Different calls are running in parallel:

The Fondation Bertarelli has donated CHF 5 million to create a Catalyst Fund, designed to foster innovative research and the development of life-saving treatments for diseases affecting the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system, and the sensory organs.

Gaznat and EPFL have established a strategic cooperation to set up a competence pole on CO2 capture, storage, and use for the production of synthetic gas in Western Switzerland.

A new Call for Proposals is open to support international organizations and NGOs based in Geneva in developing projects that leverage the full potential of AI to tackle global challenges.

The Research-IDEAS initiative of ZEISS and EPFL aims at fostering a research-oriented industry-academia cooperation by addressing the broader research community at EPFL to connect research with advanced development activities at ZEISS. This programme is coordinated by the Vice Presidency for Innovation.

The goal of the Science and Technology for Humanitarian Action Challenges is to support project-based research between EPFL researchers, ETH Zurich researchers, and the ICRC to develop effective solutions for a greater impact of humanitarian action.

The International Latsis Foundation grants an EPFL head of unit or a group of heads to support the organization of a scientific symposium.


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Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne


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