Symposium Latsis EPFL

The International Latsis Foundation grants an EPFL head of unit or a group of heads to support the organization of a scientific symposium. The call for proposals opens every year end of January and closes on early March.


The International Latsis Foundation grants EPFL heads of unit CHF 40’000.- for the organization of a scientific symposium. The proposals are examined by the EPFL Awards Commission. The scientific excellence is one of the decisive factors, as well as the visibility and the possible impact of the event.


Only EPFL heads of unit are eligible to submit a proposal (possibility to submit as a group of heads of units). The grant from the Latsis Foundation must represent a major contribution to the budget of the symposium. Resubmission limited to 1 time only.

The granted Symposium must take place the year following its selection.


The call for proposals opens end of January and closes at 4pm on 4 March 2024. To apply to the call, the application platform must be used.


The call deadline for the Symposium Latsis is 4 March 2024 – 4pm and the selected proposal will be announced in June 2024

The granted Symposium must take place the year following its selection.

Past grantees


Prof. S. Manley and Prof. A. Oates – Enabling Discovery by Integrating Microscopy, Machine Learning, and Automation


Prof. P. Tombesi – Actions Affirmatives


Prof. H. Lashuel – Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases


Prof. A. Fontcuberta i Morral – Earth-Abundant Materials for Future Photovoltaics – See Future PV

2021 (planned in 2020)

Prof. D. Dietz – Deep City


Prof. N. Quack and Prof. Ch. Galland – Diamond Photonics


Prof. A. Züttel – 13th Int. Symposium Hydrogen & Energy


Prof. B. McCabe – Degeneration of Neuronal Circuits


Prof. M. Gijs – Multicellular organisms in microfluidic systems


Prof. P. Vigano – The Horizontal Metropolis


Prof. M. Shaposhnikov – Strong and Electroweak Matter


Research Office

Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne

Contact: [email protected]

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