Postdoctoral Fellows at EPFL

Postdocs are crucial for EPFL’s world-class research and a vital part of the EPFL’s research community. There are just over 1’000 working in EPFL. Take advantage of all the resources that are available to you!

Funding opportunities

During your postdoctoral stay at EPFL, several funding opportunities are available to you. Find the best way to fund your stay, your future independent research, or obtain an award!

Career opportunities

A postdoctoral fellowship is temporary, so it is never too early to start thinking about the next step. Ideally, you should begin your postdoctoral training by discussing your research and career plans with your host professor.


EPDA – EPFL Postdoc Association

The association works closely with the EPFL Central Services to build community among postdocs and provide opportunities for professional growth and development.

Grant Writing service

Obtain support and advise in developing your research proposal.

Equal opportunities

Promoting equality between women and men in scientific careers as well as within the administrative and technical staff is an integral part of the policy of continued excellence implemented by EPFL.

Your professional journey

All the information you will need from your first day and until your departure, can be found here.


Research Office

Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne


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