Useful Tools

Get access to the tools and resources to manage your research projects.


The database for administrative research projects management.


The tool to facilitate timekeeping on research projects.


The portal to the management applications platform.


Common inquiries on grant management

Our simple guides cover basic and essential questions related to grant management.

Research data management

Get support to understand step by step the data life cycle.


Access the collection of EPFL scientific publications.

Ethics compliance

Understand when and how you need an ethical approval for your research project.

Conflict of Interest

EPFL is committed to maintain the public’s trust in the fact that research is independent and objective as well as conducted according to the highest ethical and scientific standards.

Legal services

Legal Affairs and the Research Office work together to protect the interests of researchers and EPFL. Discover how we can help you with contracts and agreements.


EPFL Research Office

Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne

[email protected]

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