Conflict of interest

EPFL is committed to maintain the public’s trust in the fact that research is independent and objective as well as conducted according to the highest ethical and scientific standards.

EPFL directive

The EPFL Directive on the management of the conflict of interest (LEX 4.1.1) defines the rules and responsibility applicable to such cases. Do not hesitate to contact the HR Department or the TTO as soon as possible if you have any question on such matters.

What is conflict of interest?

This simple guide presents basic definitions, facts and resources for EPFL researchers.

Learn More

Private consulting

When professors or employees of EPFL exercise an ancillary activity privately, it is necessary to clarify the issue of potential conflicts of interest.


When EPFL professors or employees participate in the creation and development of a start-up, it is necessary to clarify the question of potential conflicts of interest.

US Funding

EPFL investigators submitting funding applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) must respect EPFL’s policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in PHS-funded research.


EPFL Research Office

Av. Auguste-Piccard 1

CH – 1015 Lausanne


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