Mission and Policy

In collaboration with the other Associate Vice Presidents of the Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs, my goal is to contribute to the pursuit of the strategic axes of research and development at EPFL, to interdisciplinary exchanges and the strengthening of core disciplines, and to an increased integration between research and education across the campus
Research ethics
EPFL is fully committed to the promotion of high ethical standards in research in order to protect those involved in research and to promote high scientific quality.
Open Science
The Open Science Initiative was launched in 2017 by EPFL president Martin Vetterli and its implementation is driven by academic vice-president Jan Hesthaven. It envisions to mainstream Open Science at EPFL and beyond.
Academic committees
The Academic Committees, with membership comprising leading professors from across EPFL, play a central role in the shared governance of EPFL and as valuable advisory bodies for the senior management in a range of strategic areas.
Academic Data
The Academic Data Unit (ACAD) aims to unite the schools, central services and external partners of EPFL around strategic and operational analyses of the academic field, to enable effective decision-making based on structured data and modern tools necessary for the management of a world-class university.
The Associate Vice Presidency for Research (AVP-R) coordinates and oversees the activity of the central services for research support, the Research Office and the Technology Transfer Office. It contributes to the management and valorisation of national and international collaborative research projects at EPFL.