La science ouverte



Training "Smart Publishing"


With: EPFL Library Teaching Team
Category: Formations internes

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Quelques projets phares de science ouverte

Materials Cloud

MaterialsCloud est un environnement virtuel de recherche pour la science des matériaux, offrant un accès libre aux données, aux logiciels et aux ressources informatiques. Son objectif est d’accélérer la découverte et la conception de nouveaux matériaux.

Scala Center

Le Scala Center est une organisation à but non lucratif créée pour faire avancer le langage de programmation Scala et son écosystème. Elle se concentre sur l’éducation, la recherche et le développement communautaire pour promouvoir l’utilisation de Scala dans l’industrie et le monde universitaire.


DeepLabCut est un outil logiciel open-source pour le suivi sans marqueur de parties du corps en 2D et 3D, principalement utilisé dans le domaine de la recherche sur le comportement animal. Il permet un suivi précis et efficace de plusieurs parties du corps dans des données vidéo et une analyse d’image basée sur l’apprentissage en profondeur.


CC-BY EPFL Library & G. Anex

Research data: Choosing the most suitable storage solution at EPFL

— To support researchers in making informed storage decisions, the EPFL Library Research Data Management (RDM) team, in collaboration with the Information Systems Department (DSI) and the IT services of the School of Life Sciences (SV Faculty IT), has created a dedicated webpage. This resource provides an overview of the available storage solutions at EPFL, highlighting their key features, security levels, and recommended use cases. A comparative table is also available to help researchers quickly evaluate and select the most suitable storage solution.


EPFL reveals key trends and challenges in Research Data Management

— EPFL has released the results of its 2023 Research Data Management (RDM) survey, providing key insights into how researchers manage their data and code. Conducted by the EPFL Library RDM team, this biannual survey helps to identify evolving practices and needs to improve institutional support. Previous editions were conducted in 2017, 2019, 2021 and their results remain available for consultation.


New: training programs and credited course for the EPFL community

— The Library is expanding its services by offering two new training programs for the EPFL community: “Ethics in Data Management: Anonymization and Sustainability Practices” and “Reshaping Information Research with AI”, as well as a new credited course for doctoral students: “Research skills in the Open Science Era”.



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