A new method based on the time reversal technique to locate partial discharge (PD) sources in power transformers using either acoustic and/or electromagnetic sensors was developed at the EPFL. Numerical simulations and laboratory measurements on simple test setups have shown the potential superior performance of the time reversal method over classical available techniques. In this project, we aim to test both variants of the method (acoustic and electromagnetic) on more realistic transformer models with real discharges. This work should allow us to identify the most appropriate method (electromagnetic, acoustic or possibly hybrid). The choice will depend on the performance obtained during the tests but also on the sensitivity of the method to the data of the transformer available (level of precision of the model required, the impact of the different materials, etc.), as well as its specifications (bandwidth of the sensor, acquisition system, placement of the sensor, etc.).
- Field: Electrical Engineering / Energy
- Laboratory: STI-SCI-FR
- Project leader: Farhad Rachidi
- Budget: 29’211.00 CHF