
enable invests in tomorrow’s technology.

The main objective of the program is to promote research. It is suited for researchers who have developed a technology that is the subject of a patent application filed or in the process of being filed with the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), or a software disclosed to the TTO, and who do not intend to create a startup that exploits this technology.

enable has been designed to support you in the process of promoting your innovations. We provide you with funding and expertise so that your innovations quickly reach a level of maturity that arouses the interest of industrial partners, in Switzerland or abroad. Valorization then involves the granting of a license from EPFL to the industrial partner.

If you are planning to create your startup, contact the Startup Unit team who will support you throughout the startup creation process.


197 projects

116 internships

4.1 M funding


The enable grant is open to all EPFL researchers to help them move their ideas out of the lab.

enable awards grants to a maximum amount of CHF 30’000 for projects in the early stages of development.

The eligible expenses are:

  • Designing and making of prototypes
  • Development of software applications and user interfaces
  • Feasibility studies (PoC)
  • Performing pre-clinical studies
  • Commercial strategy validation
  • Showcasing technology
  • Hiring of interns or student assistants

The grant cannot be used for the following expenses:

  • Equipment (oscilloscopes, measuring instruments)
  • Travel costs
  • Conference fees
  • Patent fees
  • Salary for assistant and post-doc

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to reach out to us.

The expected results at the end of the project (deliverables) must be clearly defined. Your approach must be supported and approved by your laboratory head.

Regarding the interns, the program is open to all students or recent graduates from any discipline, for example economics, design, marketing and engineering.

The maximum duration of each internship is 6 months. The internship conditions are governed by the regulations applicable to the temporary non-academic and academic staff.

If you have any questions about the enable program, please contact us.

If you are eligible and would like to benefit from the program, then apply now.


TitleFieldUnitProject leader
WARMTHMedical devicesSTI-TNESolaiman Shokur
AirShakerMechanical devices and engineeringSCI-STI-MFMohamed Farhat
TitleFieldUnitProject leader
ASES – Advancing Sustainable Energy SolutionsElectronics and microelectronics; Microsystems and sensorsSTI-LWEAmir Jafargholi
PATIENT: Plasmacoustic AcTIve Exhaust Noise reducTionMechanical devices and engineeringSTI-LTS2Hervé Lissek
BiotubeLife Sciences; MicroengineeringSTI-INSTANT-LABCharles Baur
LBP-ColitisLife SciencesSV-UPSCHOONJANSAntoine Jalil
STPV- Phase IIElectronics and microelectronics; Microsystems and sensorsSTI-LWEAmir Jafargholi
AUTOHIAMMaterial and industrial processesSTI-ALCHEMYDaryl Yee
C. elegans tracker for WormstationSoftware; BiomedicalSB-LPBSSahand Rahi
Signature VOCsLife Science; BiomedicalGR-LUDHorst Pick
TitleFieldUnitProject leader
SmartBladeMechanical devices and engineeringSCI-STI-MFMohamed Farhat
High accuracy flexure based XY stageMechanical devices and engineeringSTI-INSTANT-LABCharles Baur
IPOFMedical devices and microengineeringSTI-LAIYoan Civet
Scalable catalyst test system for ammonia decompositionMaterial chemistry and Mechanical engineeringSB-GCBKevin Turani-I-Belloto
QCAL – Quantum device engineering and electron microscopyMicrosystems, sensors and PhysicsSB-LUMESThomas LaGrange
PALACIO – PlasmAcoustic metaLayer for Active aCoustic WIndOwsMechanical devices and engineeringSTI-LTS2Hervé Lissek
FindeX – Identification of Systemically Important Financial Institutions via network rankingComputer and communicationCDM-TOMAnna Timonina-Farkas
TitleFieldUnitProject leader
PALMIVIRLife SciencesSV-VDGFrancisco Mesquita
Locate partial discharges in transformersElectrical engineeringSTI-SCI-FRFarhad Rachidi-Haeri
MyClinicsLife SciencesUPBRIYueyun Zhang
TLC Library PreparationLife SciencesSV-LGChristina Ernst
MicroScint Physics; Microsystems and sensors
Veronica Leccese
MINT-CMOSMicrosystems and sensorsICLABGian Luca Barbruni
WIMOS-RESSMicrosystems and sensorsICLABGian Luca Barbruni
MIROSMechanical devices and engineeringRRLFabio Zuliani
HYDROVIRLife SciencesLCEAnna Carratalà
ACDS3DMedical devices SV-PTBETJulia Tischler
TitleFieldUnitProject leader
Adaptive extreme video completionComputer and communication;
Robotics and automation
IC-IVRLMajed El Helou
Development of antibody-peptide conjugates as specific cathepsin inhibitors for cancer therapy (Phase II)Life sciencesSV-UPORICCHIO Aaron Petruzzella
Mechano-inhibitors: a novel treatment against antibiotic resistant infectionsLife sciencesSV-UPPERSATAlix Pham
MIMO-Friendly Window (Phase II)Materials and industrial processes;
Computer and communication

Andreas Schueler
NanoDecoder (Phase II)Life Sciences;
Electrical engineering


Medical devices; Computer and communication
STI-LMAM Anisoara Ionescu
TitleFieldUnitProject leader
Canopy – A Shading PavilionComputer and communication;
Civil engineering
IC-LGGMark Pauly
Medical GlovesMedical devicesSTI-ESLDennis Majoe
Partial Discharge (PD) localization using time reversal: experimental validationElectrical engineeringSTI-FRFarhad Rachidi
Peptide-based inhibitor of Factor XIChemistry & nanotechnology;
Life Sciences
SB-LPPTVanessa Carle
MIMO-friendly insulating glazingMaterials and industrial processes;
Computer and communication
ENAC-LESOAndreas Schueler
NanoDecoderLife Sciences; Electrical engineeringSV-UPDALPEChan Cao
Miniaturized Microwave Waveguide DevicesElectrical engineering;
Computer and communication
STI-LWEMaliheh Khatibi
Development of cathepsin small molecule inhibitors for cancer treatmentLife SciencesSV-UPORICCHIOElisa Oricchio
Reliable purification of extracellular vesicles with a microfluidic deviceMicrosystems and sensors;
Life Sciences;
Electronics and microelectronics
STI-CLSEKevin Keim
Optimized shoveling tool (ice cream scoop)Mechanical devices and engineeringENAC-LSMSJean-François Molinari
DecubitusMedical devices;
Mechanical devices and engineering


Eric Meurville

Head of program

Passionate about new technologies, Eric has a solid experience as developer in the aeronautics, automotive, biotech and medtech fields.

He has always cultivated a pragmatic approach to develop technological products. He is particularly passionate about the transformation of knowledge and concepts into products and services that meet unmet needs.

He likes to share ideas and is enthusiastic about accompanying all project leaders who wish to valorize their research results.

Sarah Perroud

Administrative program manager

Sarah is enable’s go-to person. She is always eager to help and support innovators and students.

Sarah concentrates on the program financials, hiring and contracting.

Sarah has travelled the world, and worked in international corporations in Switzerland and South America. 


enable program
Technology Transfer Office
EPFL Innovation Park J
CH – 1015 Lausanne

Contact: enable@epfl.ch


Access map