The objective of the Biotube is to replicate the folding of the neural tube during neurulation. Indeed, the ability to observe and mimic biological morphogenesis could enable revolutionary advances in the mass production of such micropatterned organoid and organs. The proposed concept relies on a system that generate mechanical constraints (such as those caused by the heartbeat) that can play a key role in the morphogenesis and integrate additional features to mimic/vary/optimize in-vivo environment and analyze the effects of in-vivo environment modifications.
- Field: Biotech & Microengineering
- Laboratories: The Micromechanical and Horological Design Laboratory (STI-INSTANT-LAB), the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (SV-UPKARTHAUS), the Radtke Lab (SV-UPRAD), the Microsystems Laboratory (LMIS1)
- Project leader: Charles Baur, Wouter Karthaus, Freddy Radtke, Jürgen Brugger and Andrea Krapp
- Budget: 21’700.00 CHF