CDH Publications


Ukrainian Literary Imaginaries of Past after 1991: From Substitution to Restoration?

A. Dmitriev 

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Crisis; London: Routledge, 2024.

Down the Rabbit Hole: Discoverability in a Digital Library

A-L. Tettoni; S. Dumas Primbault 

Computational Humanities Research Conference (CHR 2024), Aarhus, Denmark, 2024-12-04 – 2024-12-06.

Exploring cartographic genealogies through deformation analysis: case studies on ancient maps and synthetic data

B. Vaienti; I. Di Lenardo; F. Kaplan 

Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2024.  p. 1 – 21. DOI : 10.1080/15230406.2024.2424891.

Des objets à la collection : les instruments scientifiques et l’histoire des sciences à Lausanne

Y. M. F. Guffroy; J. Baudry 

Collections techniques et scientifiques en quête d’enquêtes : ce que révèlent les objets et leurs archives, Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, 2024-11-22 – 2024-11-23.

Chair – Discussant: Panel Patrimoines, collectionneurs et transmetteurs

F. G. Bideau 

2024. Chinese Heritage Arenas. Territories and Heritage Practices in Contemporary Sinophone Worlds, Paris, France, 2024-11-21 – 2024-11-22.

The Digital Twin of the Panorama of the Battle of Murten: Notes on the Creation of the World’s Largest Image307

D. Jaquet; S. I. B. Kenderdine 

Panoramic and Immersive Media Studies Yearbook. 2024. Vol. 1, p. 295 – 307. DOI : 10.1515/9783111335575-022.

Discoverability in a Digital Library: A Study of “Rabbit Holes” within Gallica’s Corpus

A-L. Tettoni; S. Dumas Primbault 

2024. Computational Humanities Research Conference (CHR 2024), Aarhus, Denmark, 2024-12-04 – 2024-12-06.

Simplified and Flexible Coils for Stellarators using Single-Stage Optimization

R. Jorge; A. Giuliani; J. Loizu 

Physics of Plasmas. 2024. Vol. 31, p. 112501. DOI : 10.1063/5.0226688.

Des apports et limites de l’histoire globale des techniques : le cas de l’Amérique du Nord

J. Baudry 

Table ronde : présentation de l’ouvrage Global History of Techniques (Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries), Paris, France, 2024-10-22 – 2024-10-22.

The impact of varying levels of compassion in ethics education case studies on students’ moral reasoning

N. Kotluk; R. Tormey 

Journal of Moral Education. 2024.  p. 1 – 21. DOI : 10.1080/03057240.2024.2411962.

Les politiques du patrimoine : Archive documentaire et registre Mémoire du Monde de l’UNESCO – L’exemple du Montreux Jazz Festival

F. Graezer Bideau 

2024. Patrimoine(s) en question(s) – Rencontres de la FFA pour l’art 2024, Saint-Maurice, Suisse, 2024-10-10.

Cartographic Stemmatology: Segmenting Local Deformation Similarities in Historical Maps of Jerusalem

B. Vaienti; I. Di Lenardo; F. Kaplan 

2024. 18th Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Bologna, Italy, 2024-10-23 – 2024-10-25.

L’énergie en Suisse . De 1800 à nos jours

C. Humair; N. Chachereau 

Presses Polytechniques Romandes, 2024.

À bras-le-corps : Exposer les sciences au Collège de France

J. Baudry 

Séminaire du Cercle de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les humanités médicales : “Matérialités : images et objets de la santé”, Lille, France, 2024-09-27.

Советская городская память в юбилейных форматах [Soviet urban memory in anniversary formats (late 1930s – late 1980s of the XX century)]

A. Dmitriev 

HistoriCity: городские исследования и история современности [HistoriCity: urban research and contemporary history]; Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2024.

A Digital History of Internationalization. Operationalizing Concepts and Exploring Millions of Patent Documents

J. Baudry; N. Chachereau 

Digital History Switzerland 2024, Basel, Switzerland, 2024-09-12 – 2024-09-13.

Intersecting trajectories: Cultural heritage policies and rural revitalisation in China

F. G. Bideau 

2024. European Association for Chinese Studies, 25th biennial Conference 2024, Tallinn, Estonia, 2024-08-27 – 2024-08-30.

An Industrial West? A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Newspapers Discourses about Technology over One Hundred and Ten Years (1830-1940)

E. A. V. Denove; E. Michelet; G. Savcisens; Fernández Fernández Elena 

Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities. 2024. Vol. 2024. DOI : 10.46298/jdmdh.11741.

The state-led approach to industrial heritage in China’s mega-events: capital accumulation, urban regeneration, and heritage preservation

M. Zhang 

Built Heritage. 2024. Vol. 8, num. 1, p. 1 – 14. DOI : 10.1186/s43238-024-00144-1.

Augmenting the Panorama of the Battle of Murten with 3D Models of Cultural Artifacts

I. Serenko 
